Alfredo Da Silva

Board Members

Alfredo da Silva is an Executive Director of the Jardim Escola Sorriso do Amanhã and is responsible for the pedagogical and didactic area of this educational institution. He has considerable experience as an educator, with four years at the João XXIII Bissau high school and eight years at the Catholic School of St. Luzia-Bissau. He is a co-founder of Colégio Nossa Sr. do Rosário in Bissau, and since 2019 has been responsible for pedagogical coordination at this institution.

Alfredo holds a degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of Bissau and is currently studying Portuguese at the Language Center (Instituto Camões), Bissau. He is a skilled musician, having mastered a number of musical instruments, primarily the organ and piano. He has been a member and leader of the choir of the Catholic Church of St. Luzia de Bissau for over 25 years.